
Your Airbus Commentaries Are Too Petty – Franklin Cudjoe To Martin Amidu

The Agyapa Deal has brought continual bastardizing from many think tanks and concerned players on its self seeking monetary transaction.

This has compelled many to lambaste the efficiency and the efficacy of the deal hence pushed the special Prosecutor to delve into the deal and bring out concrete analysis on all hidden aspects of the transaction.

The report issued by the special prosecutor [Martin Amidu] had a space where he highlighted on the Airbus deal of John Dramani Mahama whiles he was in power.

Mahama responded with the fact that Martin Amidu should be man enough to prosecute him if he sees something wrong with his deal.

In a latter press release from the office of the special prosecutor he sounded that should Mahama be brave enough, he can also present himself for prosecution.

This statement has engineered another brawl between Mahama and the special prosecutor. IMANI boss Franklin Cudjoe took a swipe into the issue, hence highlighting falls in the office of the special prosecutor.

This is what he said:



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