
NDC Only Wants To Destroy Akufo-Addo’s Good Policies – Kennedy Agyapong

The MP for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong, has accused the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) of wanting to destroy President Akufo-Addo’s good policies.

The outspoken legislator said this in relation to the disagreement between the Minority and Majority in Parliament over the E-levy bill.

According to him, the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has a proven record of caring for the plights of Ghanaians through social interventions.

He, however, described the NDC as a party whose members are only interested in gaining power to amass wealth.

“The NDC doesn’t think about the poor… I will leave you to rate both NDC and NPP and tell me which among them brought social interventions that have benefitted the poor. The NDC only amass wealth when they come into power,” Mr. Agyapong said,

“The NDC doesn’t want the E-levy to be passed. They just want to see Akufo-Addo’s good policies for Ghana in shambles. Just like John Mahama stood in Kumasi to say that Ghanaians easily forget things. Akufo-Addo was the one who ensured that Nurses who had stayed home for years were posted.”

The Akufo-Addo government has been pushing to implement a 1.75% E-levy, which would see electronic taxed.

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