
Angry Commercial Drivers Lock Up Ashaiman Lorry Terminal Over Executives’ Mismanagement

Some commercial drivers in the Ashaiman municipality of the Greater Accra Region today registered their displeasure about how the Ashaiman lorry terminal is being mismanaged by the executives of the Ghana Private Roads and Transport (GPRTU).

The commercial drivers who are members of the GPRTU on December 14, 2022, locked up the terminal demanding that the executives abdicate.

According to the angry drivers, they are all the time sidestepped when opportunities come their way at the terminal.

“As commercial drivers in the terminal, we don’t have membership cards yet daily tolls and welfare dues are collected from us every day,” the angry drivers clad in red told Class 91.3 FM’s Ashaiman correspondent.

“We want to seize power from them because they are not helping our course,” they added.

“I have been driving here for the past ten years and I don’t have a membership card yet women who sell in and around here have GPRTU membership cards,” an angry driver alleges.

“We sit here they organise workshops among other things only to be attended by the market women in the name of drivers,” he went on.

“The executives are just wallowing in the dues of the union without doing anything for members.

“As members, we don’t have anything to show for over the past ten years,” he lamented.


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