
16 year old JHS 3 girl commit suicide by hanging at Abesewa in Dunkwa Offin [Photos]

A 16 year old girl by name Mariam Batuley, a JHS Three(3) student has commited suicide by hanging, on today, the 19th of september 2020 at Abesewa, a Community at Dunkwa On Offin in Upper Denkyira East.

According to a relative she left the house last night around 10 pm to attend to a nature call which is some few meters from the house of which she didn’t return back.

So upon searching for her, they found her this morning hanging on a tree along the way to the toilet. Many of the people who came to the scene suspects she was killed, but didn’t hang herself.

The police had information that someone had committed suicide by hanging, they said the police rushed to the crime scene and took the body to the Government Hospital.

The Dunkwa police Division have come for the body for further and statements from some of the relatives of the deceased as part of their investigations.

Below is the Pictures



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