
Ghana’s Democracy, Patience Of The People Were Tested To Elastic Limits – Mahama’s New Year Message

Former President John Dramani Mahama has noted in his 2023 New Year message that the democracy of Ghana was tested to its limit.

This is due to what he believes were the unprecedented hardships never seen under this Fourth Republic, that faced Ghanaians last year.

He said “And our democracy and patience as a people were tested to their elastic limits.

“We welcome the new year, 2023, knowing that a journey of austerity and sacrifice is just beginning. But we cannot give up HOPE! We cannot give up on our dear motherland Ghana.

“As we face the future with fortitude, let us remember the solemn words of the hymnist, Johnson Oatman Jr, when he urges us to Count Our Blessings and Name Them One by One.

“We have been fortunate to survive as a nation and are lucky by the grace of the Almighty to be alive to see the dawn of a new year.

“Once we have the gift of life, which is the most important of all, there is opportunity in the new year to be better versions of ourselves and work even harder towards salvaging our dear nation from the avoidable abyss into which she has been plunged.”

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