
The Problem Of This Country Is The Minority Party – Sam Pyne

The Ashanti Regional Secretary of New Patriotic Party (NPP), Sam Pyne has reiterated that the mess this country is going through currently is the opposition party.

This follows after President Nana Akufo-Addo has ordered a public inquiry into the killing of two protestors at Ejura in the Ashanti Region. The largest opposition party in Ghana NDC has opposed that idea, adding they will not allow any public inquiry.

Sam Pyne, speaking on Peace FM, on July 1 2021 has disclosed that without interrogation into the matter in what way are we going to identify the perpetrators.

Opposition party are established to criticize government policies for the betterment of the country but not to make the government unpopular. He advised Ghanaians not to take this matter into politics but rather is a criminal offense.

Although, security challenges in the country is growing but that doesn’t mean insecurity. Security problems in this country has been there since Kwame Nkrumah regime, so they should spare this administration. If NDC, doesn’t want public inquiry into this incident, what is their way forward in solving this situation. He added.

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