
Newly recruited teacher allegedly commits suicide (Photos)

A newly recruited teacher has allegedly committed suicide in the Zabzugu district over unknown reasons.

Report says the lady completed Bosco in the upper East Region and was posted to Zubzugu district.

more soon….

The Mental Health Authority is alarmed by the increasing cases of suicide recorded in the country.

The Authority observed that the economic situation in the country coupled with the weakness in our social systems contribute to the rise in suicide cases.

It therefore appealed to the government and other stakeholders to adequately resource it in providing baseline research to add effective mental health policies to revert the trend.

The Mental Authority in a statement said: “The WHO [World Health Organization] has shown that a person dies every 40 seconds by suicide worldwide, with 25 more people making an attempt at suicide. This puts the data of persons dying averagely per year to suicide at approximately 800,000 and Ghana has its fair share of this number.”

“The consequence of this phenomenon is the many more people who are left bereaved by suicide or have been close to someone who has made an attempt. Every life lost represents someone’s partner, child, parent, friend or colleague. For each suicide, approximately 135 people suffer intense grief or are otherwise affected. This amounts to 108 million people per year who are profoundly impacted by suicidal behavior. These people often go through a life-changing experience which when not properly dealt with, leaves such deep scars with them for the rest of their lives that impact on the quality of life of these persons and their contribution to national economic growth.”

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