
Ghanaians mount heavy pressure on president Akufo Addo to accept Mahama’s infrastructure debate call

With barely four months to go to Elections for a new president to be elected, the two main Political parties have already started their campaigns to interact with the electorates on the need to vote for them.

However, one of the key areas that Ghanaians are looking for to is infrastructure development by both parties. Since the two flagbearers have all had the chance to govern this country before. It will therefore be very prudent on the side of the good people of Ghana to access the two people on board and know what they have been able to do in their first term as president.

Infrastructure plays a great role for the progress of every country across the globe and it will therefore be unwise for any government to downplay the relevant of infrastructure developmental projects.

Both parties, NDC and the NPP have all contributed their quota towards the infrastructure development of this country, but there is no doubt that one has performed far better than the other.

According to president Akufo Addo, he has performed better when it comes to infrastructure and that Ghanaians are seeing his Good works and he believes they will reward him with their votes.

President Akufo Addo, mentioned about some months ago in Kumasi that this year’s Election will be based on records between him and John Mahama. Ghanaians will compare track record and will know who really performed better to deserve another chance.

Meanwhile, former president John Mahama seems to be very happy about the president’s reaction that the elections will be based on track record between the two of them.

In view of this, speaking in Ho west yesterday, John Dramani Mahama has questioned the performance of the Akuffo Addo government in the field of infrastructure and said the president have nothing to show for with even the huge borrowings (GH140 billion).

According to John Mahama, his government was criticise severely by the then candidate Nana Addo and his NPP when he was busy constructing roads. They referred to the roads that, they are not going to eat the road. However John Mahama seems to be very surprised today that the NPP are celebrating KVIP’S as achievments. He has therefore used the opportunity to place a call on president Akuffo Addo for a debate on infrastructure track record to know who really performance better.

“I am ready to debate president Akuffo Addo on infrastructure track record anywhere, anytime”.

John Mahama believes his performance is far better than president Akuffo Addo and that if Akuffo Addo claims he has track record, he should come forward for comparison.

However, since yesterday that John Mahama made this call on Akuffo Addo, he has not responded yet. This is getting many Ghanaians worried, especially his own party members.

This is because they want the president to accept the challenge to debate John Mahama if indeed he believes he has performed better.

They have therefore put a lot of pressure on president Akuffo Addo to respond to the call and prove to Ghanaians that he has really performed better.

The debate between the two is very necessary and the president must not failed to respond to battling Mahama, else it will create an indication that indeed president Akufo Addo have failed and have absolutely nothing to talk about.

Do you also agree that the president should respond for the debate to hold? Share your thoughts by commenting.

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Elijah Donkor

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