
Adopt My ‘Dondo’ Song As National Song – Kwaw Kese Urges Gov’t

Madtime Records boss, Kwaw Kese has tasked Ghanaians and the ruling New Patriotic Party to adopt his Tony Gyngz produced ‘Dondo’ song as a National song to promote tourism.

The Agona Swedru native rapper in a chat with Gloria Akpene Acquah “MzGee” on Showbuzz on 3FM, emphasized the need to make his smash hit single a national song.

He argued that dondo, the musical instrument has been part of our culture and he churning out a great song out of it, is a way he promoted Ghana’s culture.

”The thing with Dondo and Ghana is like a vulture and the dumpsite. Ghanaians are used to ‘Dondo’. Growing up, the weddings in the Zongos are being dominated by dondo,” Kwaw Kese, born Emmanuel Botchwey, explained.

He went on to state that the local instrument can be found everywhere in the country.

“Recently the President was in the North and they were playing ‘Dondo’ for him and he was dancing. I think Ghana should adopt the ‘Dondo’ song as a National Asset that we can use to promote tourism.” The ‘Abodam’ spitter stated.

Kwaw Kese, who was beaten with bottles by some irate Shatta Movement (SM) members during this year’s edition of the ‘Reign Concert’ at the Fantasy Dome was grateful to the fans of Shatta Wale.

He said the song he recorded aftermath of the incident ‘Bottles’ is gradually dominating the airwaves.

“The song is all over the place now. I was even surprised because I was even in the Western Region last week and the fans were craving ‘Bodam bo’. Its a big song. I want to thank the SM fans for throwing the bottles. Every blessing has a way of reaching us and that was a blessing.” he mentioned.

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